This level contains very interesting units that carry very useful ideas in terms of preparing for any academic study. The first two units (skyscrapers & language learning) include useful points such as paraphrasing and definitions, and other things that I couldn’t remember right now. Anyway I have strong feeling that we miss a lot of benefits because our teachers were in New York. I really liked the unit of male and female communication, and the idea of the lecture is very useful to prepare for university lectures. Evolution unit is also important to give a light about Darwin theory that is important in the academic environment. In addition, learning about writing summary is very important and useful concept. I found the Happiness topic very interesting in terms of its ideas about the fact of happiness. Experimentation on animals is very sensible unit that gave us chance to debate an ethical dilemma even though that we disagreed with our positions. Discrimination is an important unit that lighted up my injuries. I really enjoyed the video, and re-watched it online with my husband and my brother. Looking for a job taught me how to write the CV and the application letter. I think it is very important unit in this period of time. Who is responsible trained me to be a critical thinker. At last, the blogging concept is very useful idea to connect with each other and to know the others’ style of writing and way of thinking.
In general, I have really got benefits when I received a feedback from my teachers especially for writing skills that I think it is more important than any skill to be successful in university. The units in this level were chosen very carefully to serve students as much as this level can. They contain interesting facts in terms of general information and English language.