In my research project, I will enter the bee’s world with all of its fascination and secret. Starting from the bee’s eggs, through their entire life, to the honey as one way to the alternative medicine.
So far I have only one reference, a small book, about the life of bees. I am sure that I need one or two more books, beside the research papers.
As I read that book, I became much interested to enter that hidden world, and I hope to be able to collect and present interested information to all my classmates.
Please if you have any recommendation or advice to me, feel free to inform me…
Honey has long been recognized as a natural remedy and has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. I personally use it all the time. My Mom always recommends it to me as soon as I get sick. I think its going to be interesting topic to listen and write on ;)
hey alaa.don`t worry you can find more books and refrences.and i think its very internsting subject.i like to now more about wild world.
oo is that the same topic that one group went 4 a lecture..lol I want to know wt are the interesting issues ur going to handle on..I m waiting 4 ur presentation.
Please spend some time in your presentation to talk about how we can find a pure honey (without artificial sugar), I guess it is hard in my country to find original honey because we do n not have enough flowers.
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